Monday, 11 January 2010

Bibliography & Appendix & Glossary of Terms



Keen, A., 2007, The Cult of the Amateur – How Today’s Internet is Killing Our Culture, London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Shirky, C., 2008, Here Comes Everybody – How Change Happens When People Come Together, London: Penguin Books.

Essays & Articles;

Rabinowitz, P., 1995, “Soft Fictions and Intimate Documents: Can Feminism Be Posthuman”. In: Badmington, N., 2000, Posthumanism – Readers in Cultural Criticism, London: Macmillan. p. 43-55

Adams, D., 1999, “Build it and We Will Come” . In: 2002, The Salmon of Doubt, London: Pan Books. p. 95


Venditti, R., 2005-2006, The Surrogates, USA: Top Shelf Productions.


The Moral Maze, 2009. Radio, BBC, 2009. (BBC Radio 4, 04/11/09)


It’s Only A Theory, 2009. TV, BBC, 2009. (BBC4, 17/11/09)

Dollhouse (Season 1, Episode 13: Epitaph One), 2009. Directed by Joss Whedon. Fox, 2009. (Unaired)


Avatar, 2009. Film. Directed by James Cameron. USA: 20th Century Fox


Palmer, A., 2009, “Why I am not afraid to take your money, by Amanda Fucking Palmer.” On: (29/09/09)

Palmer, A., 2009, “Virtual Crowdsurfing.” On: (13/10/09)


Appendix of Other Sources & Influences;


Rheingold, H., 1994, The Virtual Community, London: Secker and Warburg.

Tapscott, D. & Williams, A. D., 2006, Wikinomics – How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, USA: Portfolio.

Orwell, G., 1949, Nineteen Eighty-Four, London: Secker and Warburg.

Einsenstein, E. L., 1983, The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Haraway, D. J., “A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century (extract)”. In: Badmington, N., 2000, Posthumanism – Readers in Cultural Criticism, London: Macmillan. p. 69-84


Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1987-1994. Created by Gene RoddenBerry. Paramount Television, (CBS Television Distribution, 2007)


Glossary of Terms;

Avatar, Hindu word referring to the manifestation of a deity on Earth, which has come to refer to the picture which represents an Internet user on a user-generated content site.

BitTorrent, a peer to peer program, used for uploading and downloading files – usually illegally.

Blog, a shared online journal, usually maintained by an amateur.

Download, to retrieve information from a server.

Facebook, a popular social networking site.

Facebook Group, a collection of people on Facebook with a common interest or hobby.

Google Maps’ Explore Function, a web tool, hosted by search engine company Google, which allows users to not only navigate maps, but allows them to travel through streets via sophisticated photography at street level.

Google Timeline, a web too, hosted by Google, which allows users to see the popularity of a search over a given period of time.

Google Wave, a web tool, which allows collaborative conversation and writing.

IP (Internet Protocol), a numerical identification that is assigned to a particular computer.

Meme, a concept or catchphrase which spreads quickly from one person to another through the internet.

MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), online gaming which allows users to live virtual lives.
a popular social networking site, particularly in the early 00’s.

Postsecret, a user-generated content site which asks users to send in postcards which tell a secret.

RPG (Roll Playing Game) (see MMORPG)

ReTweet, RT, to post something to ones own followers on Twitter, that someone else has already posted. By playing RT in front of the tweet, other users understand it is a quote.

Second Life, a MMORPG

Social Media, a category of site that is based on user participation and user-generated content.

Tor, a free program which masks a users IP address.

Trending Topic, the 10 most mentioned words or hash-tags on Twitter at any given time.

Trendistic, one of a number of sites which analyse Twitter feeds to create statistical information.

Tweeps, an affectionate name given to Twitter Users.

Tweet, the common name given to a post on the website Twitter.

Tweetdeck, a program which is able to organise Twitter feeds alongside other social networking sites.

Twitter, a micro-blogging site which allows users to post 140 characters at a time.

Upload, to put information onto a server.

User-Generated Content, (UGC), refers to several types of media which is produced by end-users.

Viral, when a piece of media (text, video, song, picture etc) spreads quickly throughout the Internet from user to user, so that it is known to a large number of people, it is said to have “gone viral.

Virtuality, a compounded noun of “virtual” and “reality”, describing a state or place which exists digitally.

Vlog, an online journal of videos, rather than text.

Web 2.0, the perceived second generation of web design and web use.

Wiki, a Hawaiian word meaning “fast” which has come to refer to a shared knowledge.

Wikipedia, a database of collective knowledge, edited by its users.

YouTube, a video-hosting website

#topic, (hash-tag) by placing a hash symbol in front of a word on Twitter it becomes a hyperlink.

@username, (mention) by placing the “at” symbol in front of a username on Twitter, the name becomes a hyperlink to that user.

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